Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Game

I have my first soccer game as a Freshman tomorrow!! I'm soo excited!! Hey you, yeah, you. You should come and support me!! Unless, of course, your some creepy stalker, pedophile, rapist, or etc. Then please don't come. Thanks!! (: What's even better is that we have a game in Duluth on September 4th! We're taking a coach bus up there in the morning. It's about a two and a half hour bus ride. So in the morning, two and a half hours on bus, play a game, then two and a half hours back on a bus. EXCITING. no. And for those of you who don't know where Duluth is, and went to Wolf Ridge, it's close to there!! Yeah(: Otherwise you might want to buy a map of Minnesota. Could come in handy someday!

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